SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY IN HUMAN RIGHTS LAW References to Jurisprudence and Doctrine of the United Nations Human Rights System

posted on 09.14.2010 by

SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY IN HUMAN RIGHTS LAW References to Jurisprudence and Doctrine of the United Nations Human Rights System


Fourth updated edition

The ICJ is pleased to publish this fourth edition of references to sexual orientation and gender identity within the United Nations human rights system. The fourth edition is a comprehensive collection of jurisprudence, general comments, concluding observations, and reports from human rights treaty bodies and independent experts (also known as Special Procedures) of the UN Charter-based system. In addition, it includes speeches and press releases from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; the Joint Statement on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, signed by 66 States and presented to the General Assembly in December 2008; and excerpts from the UNHCR Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. This UN compilation covers the time period January 2007 through March 2010.


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